Mobile Phone, Mobile Computer, Mobile... Projector?

Posted By: naiblog - 11:01:00 PM
It is always cool to see how "mobile" our devices can really become. We have mobile phones and mobile computers. They all come in different shapes and sizes, naturally. Seeing them come to life is almost like second nature now. To have a new device on the market that isn't mobile is almost not even worth it anymore. There are some devices, though, that we may not think could ever become truly "mobile". Many of the devices could be seen as impractical if they were actually made for on-the-go purposes. The thought of projectors, for example, could be seen as impractical at first thought. But, by showing off all of the capabilities and uses it could serve, something that could once be thought of as impractical, has now become practical and really cool!

So mobile projectors. You may have quite a few ideas of what they could be or how they could work. Well lets look at what Android has been cooking up.

The Keecker could be the next gadget you add to your "mobile" collection. Think for a minute of what a projector is used for. It's quite obvious; to display images on a much larger scale than any TV could, all while still keeping a clear and high resolution picture. It's the same concept as when you go to the movies, but now add the ability to control it with your phone and give it the capability to follow you around. Caught your attention a bit more didn't it.

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Yes, the new Keecker is a mobile Android-powered projector robot. Since it is smartphone controlled, you know you will never lose the remote. That is, unless you a prone to misplacing your phone. It is Android based and comes standard with Google Play access. The Google Play access means that you will be able to stream for any apps already built into Google Play. Apps such as Netflix and Youtube already come built into the machine. The built in speaker is quite the nice feature as well. Now, not only do you have the ability to watch TV on any wall of your choice, but you have a much more mobile boombox as well should you want to use it as a music player.

Even though it is mobile, the 1,280x800 resolution isn't that crazy. The 1,000-lumen count light does mean that it will be bright enough for you to enjoy it with the lights on though. And, yes, it does sound like the projector version of a roomba, but it is actually quite bigger than that. With the Keecker standing at 16 inches wide and 25 inches tall, it is not exactly an out-of-the way device. It is still mobile, just a bit bigger than you may be used to. With that being said, it could still be a worthy investment should you want it just for the mobility and the apps. The price tag of around $4,000 to $5,000 is quite a bit to ask for though, considering the limited resolution rate. Either way, don't expect to see this available anytime soon as it won't be out till Q4 of this year.

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